May 15, 2024

Soldiers Devasted After Riot Charges Dismissed Against Migrants

I have to say, it is pretty amazing what you can get away with in this country if you are an illegal immigrant.

The latest example is the rioting charges being dismissed against 200 migrants who rushed troops assigned to protect the border.

According to reports, the troops are devastated that the charges were dropped.

Let Them Go

In all, 211 migrants were charged for the events that took place on March 21, 2024.

The pictures and videos from that day were all over the news and social media, as the lives of troops were clearly in danger once the rush started.

The Texas National Guard members were tasked with holding the border, but the large group of migrants toppled the fence and then rushed the troops to get into the country.

The incident took place in El Paso, TX.

We were lucky that the troops' injuries were not more significant than they were, but that is hardly the point.

The moment they toppled that fence, they broke the law, but our wonderful justice system does not apparently see it that way.

One of the troops assigned to Operation Lone Star stated, “These El Paso liberals are literally siding with criminals over our own police and military.

“All it does is send a message that illegals can do whatever they want and get away with it. It sets a precedent and will encourage more behavior like that going forward.”

Now that they have been acquitted of their crimes, El Paso DA Bill Hicks announced that the migrants were turned over to federal authorities for processing, meaning they will soon be released into the United States.

If you want to know why more and more migrants are being so reckless to enter this country, it is cases like this that embolden them.

When there are no repercussions for crimes, they just keep on committing those crimes.

My guess is that this case will only inspire them to become more violent at the border, putting more lives at risk.

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