May 23, 2024

Soft-on-Crime DA Loses Primary Race

The people of Oregon have just done a very good thing.

Mike Schmidt has lost his primary race in Oregon’s District Attorney election for Multnomah County.

The beauty of this is that it was one of his deputy prosecutors that beat him.

See Ya

Schmidt is one of the many DAs in this country that has been soft on crime and the people are getting sick and tired of it.

This is especially a problem with the ANTIFA presence in that state.

Schmidt was being challenged by Nathan Vasquez, who won this race handily, winning 54% of the vote.

In victory, Vasquez stated, “I am humbled by and grateful for the support I have received from the voters and from this community throughout my campaign. The voters have made it clear that they are ready to take our county in a new and safer direction.

“As Multnomah County’s elected District Attorney, I am dedicated to fulfilling my campaign promises.

“I am committed to ending open air drug dealing and drug use while helping connect individuals to treatment, to rebuilding the broken relationships between the DA’s office and the community, and to ensuring that victims are the number one priority of my office.”

Right after taking office, which was at the height of the George Floyd rioting around the country, Schmidt announced that he would not be prosecuting protesters unless they had been charged with specific crimes.

Crimes that he would not prosecute were protesters who had been charged with interfering with police officers or any misconduct against police officers.

In other words, he made it legal to assault a police officer or block them from carrying out their duties.

This should serve as a wake-up call against progressive DAs who have decided to allow criminals to go free rather than prosecute, as several other progressives have faced recall elections or have already been voted out of office.

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