February 27, 2024

Several Fox News Personalities Pin Georgia Student Murder on Joe Biden

The entire country was shaken by the horrifying death of Augusta University student Laken Riley.

Riley had gone out for a run, but when she did not return, her friends reported her missing.

Her body was found by authorities less than an hour later on the UGA campus, and now the finger-pointing begins because the person of interest in the case is an illegal immigrant.

Preventable Crimes

I have always called crimes like this preventable, solely because they are being committed by people that should not be in this country in the first place.

In this instance, the alleged murderer is an illegal immigrant who came to this country from Venezuela, crossing the border illegally in September 2022, yet he and his brother, who both were arrested before, were permitted to remain in this country without being deported.

This is exactly the type of person that Secretary Mayorkas stuck up for when he was being drilled by Congress on why he had changed the deportation rules.

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham lobbed the first volley at Biden, stating, “This is heartbreaking. It is infuriating. These savages made their way here because they knew they'd be able to stay. And by the way, they'd get free stuff on top of it.

“And they get wide access, don't they? To the victims of their choice of all ages and all backgrounds. Targets galore.

“Sadly, there are thousands of victims of illegal alien crime who are forgotten.”

She continued, taking the narrative that I have taken many times, stating, “Again, these are crimes that would not have happened if we had a president who cared about America first.

“Think about the tens of thousands of girls and women across the country who are now afraid of going jogging or even working late, having to park in a garage underneath your building out of fear because they know our government refuses to protect them. This open border policy is the Biden policy.”

Next came Jesse Watters, but his full segment is below, as he goes far deeper into this than Ingraham did…

I agree fully and have no problem saying the blood of Laken Riley lands right at the feet of Biden and his rogue Homeland Security boss, Secretary Mayorkas.

This was someone who broke our laws to get into this country, then broke them again, yet he was permitted to stay here, and now he has taken the life of a promising young American student.

When do we start holding people accountable in this country instead of rewarding them for breaking the law?

Democrats love to say nobody is above the law, but that is only for people like you and me.

If you are a Democrat or an illegal immigrant, the law books never even get cracked open these days.

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