June 24, 2024

Senator Graham Says Biden Could Possibly Be Prosecuted Over Laken Riley Death

Senator Lindsey Graham is back out there stirring it up, making claims that are going to be hard to prove correct.

In this case, it is Graham saying that Biden could be subject to criminal prosecution over the death of Laken Riley, who was killed by an illegal immigrant.

Graham stated this could be a direct result of the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

But I Have Immunity!

The Supreme Court is due to release its ruling on Trump’s presidential immunity claim.

Graham was feeding on that, apparently trying to strike the fear of God into liberals on how this could possibly impact Joe Biden.

Graham stated, “The border is beyond broken. You have wars in Ukraine. You have the Mideast on fire. When it comes to enforcing the law, Joe Biden has been beyond reckless.

“He’s taken a parole statute that’s limited in nature and has given a million people parole when, on average, the Trump and [Obama] administrations gave 5,600 people parole. Laken Riley’s murderer was paroled because they had a lack of capacity in El Paso.

“On and on and on, all these women who have been raped and murdered have one thing in common, the people that killed them, raped them, and murdered them were in our custody and let go, I think illegally.

“So Joe Biden better hope and pray there’s presidential immunity because when he allowed the killer of Laken Riley to be released on parole because of lack of capacity, I think he’s subject not only to a lawsuit but criminal prosecution if there’s not presidential immunity.”

Graham’s statement is nothing but working for likes and clicks because his premise is utterly ridiculous, as much as I would like it to be true, so don’t get overly excited and start telling your friends Biden is going to go to jail if Trump loses his immunity case.

Graham’s argument here would be like saying that someone that a president could be charged for the crimes of someone who committed them after they were pardoned… it’s just not going to happen.

This is about deciphering if the act in question was the action of a president or a private citizen candidate.

Trust me on this one… there is no way any president will ever be prosecuted for something that happened via a decision made that falls under the purview of the presidency.

In the case of Trump’s claim, the courts will have to decide if his “Stop the Steal” rally was the act of a president or candidate.

Graham is going to get people whipped up over nothing, but it sure will drive likes and clicks on his social media account where he posted the interview.


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