February 7, 2024

Senator Cruz Calls for McConnell to Step Down

Two out of three… that is how many members of failed GOP leadership have or will be removed.

McCarthy was ousted as Speaker, and now reports have arisen that McDaniel is likely to tender her resignation after the South Carolina primary is over.

Senator Cruz (R-TX) is attempting to make it a perfect three-for-three by demanding that McConnell step down as Senate Minority Leader.

Time to Go

After the 2020 election was over, I had stated that I thought Senator McConnell (R-KY), Rep. McCarthy (R-CA), and Ronna McDaniel (RNC Chair) all needed to be removed because of how badly Republicans performed in the 2020 election.

When the 2022 cycle was over, I reiterated my complaint, swimming upriver against Donald Trump's endorsements of McCarthy and McDaniel.

I took a lot of heat for going against Trump on those two, but I was proven right after McCarthy’s failures as Speaker and yet another disastrous election in 2023.

Trump reportedly met with McDaniel and she has reportedly agreed to tender her resignation after South Carolina after reports of financial mismanagement of RNC funds.

That leaves us with Senator McConnell, who Senator Cruz is again stating must step down.

Cruz was among a handful of Republicans who voted against McConnell holding his leadership position in the last term, and he is doing it again now.

Cruz is furious over the “bipartisan” border bill that was scheduled to go to the floor for a vote on Wednesday.

Senator Vance (R-OH) started it off, stating, "We're not committing ourselves to voting for this thing just because we entered the negotiation, and you hear this from some of our leadership – and hopefully they will stop – the idea that we committed to supporting whatever came out of this negotiation is pure, unadulterated bulls---.

"We supported a negotiation to bring commonsense border security to this country. We did not agree to a border fig leaf to send another $61 billion to Ukraine."

Cruz then stated, "Everyone here also supported a leadership challenge to Mitch McConnell in November.

"I think a Republican leader should actually lead this conference and should advance the priorities of Republicans."

The negotiations were headed by Senator Lankford (R-OK) on the Republican side, who was strongly endorsed by Trump in 2022, even though Trump has outright denied he ever endorsed Lankford.

But Trump did endorse Lankford, then lied about it on “The Dan Bongino Show,” and Bongino did not even challenge him on the lie…

Ironically, if you read that endorsement, Trump called Lankford “strong on the border” in his endorsement.

Trump has resisted this legislation from the outset, while Joe Biden has endorsed it, even sending in Secretary Mayorkas to offer suggestions on the content of the bill, which tells me everything I need to know.

Perhaps that is why the daily level to trigger controls is set at 5,000, which would put the annual number at 1.8 million, which is just unacceptable.

McConnell must go, this bill must be blocked, and any Republican voting in favor of it should be removed from office.

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