November 26, 2023

Senate Must Pass SHIP Act To Fight Iran Terrorism

When it comes to Joe Biden's failures on a world stage, there are plenty of them.

His premature evacuation from Afghanistan that left Americans dead was one.

His failure to de-escalate the war between Ukraine and Russia was another.

Letting China become more powerful than ever before was yet another.

But even compared to all of this, there's a SERIOUS infraction that stands about above the rest:


For some reason, our 81-year-old president seems to REFUSE to ever get tough on Iran.

We know who's funding many terrorist organizations in the Middle East, it's Iran.

We know that Iran is misallocating funds we give them and putting them toward war efforts.

Yet, Biden simply will not do anything to deter the Iranians.

The world started paying the price when an Iranian-funded terrorist organization (Hamas) attacked one of America's closest allies, Israel.

Iran is pretending it didn't have anything to do with the attack on Israel that left hundreds of innocent people dead, but those in the know completely understand that Hamas is funded by Iran.

When Biden gives money to Iran, he is indirectly giving it to terrorists.

Congress seems to be getting fed up with Biden's refusal to punish Iran economically and seems to be getting ready to try to force him to do so.

Sen. Katie Britt, a Republican from Alabama, explained why Congress might have to take over for Biden when it comes to economic relations with Iran:

Since President Biden took office, Iran has profited nearly $80 billion from oil sales alone.

Even Democrats in the House of Representatives are in agreement that Biden needs to change how he's dealing with Iran, with most voting in favor of the Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum Act.

Now, the SHIP act is in the hands of the Senate.

Let's pray that they pass it.

This would put economic penalties on companies involved in the oil business who source from Iran.

Let's stop making Iran rich. For some reason, Biden can't figure out how to do that on his own.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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