November 22, 2023

Senate Blocks Security Aid to Azerbaijan

The Senate passed legislation this week that could be a precursor of things to come for Joe Biden.

The Senate has blocked security aid for Azerbaijan based on reports that it is getting ready to invade Armenia.

The bill was introduced by Senator Gary Peters (D-MI), and it was passed unanimously.

Common Sense

I found this report very interesting because of the amount of aid that is sent to the Middle East every year.

Between Iraq and Palestine, the United States spends about $500 million annually.

Palestine houses Hamas, and Iraq just slammed the Biden administration for a strike that was carried out to take out Iranian-backed forces in Iraq.

But, the Senate just blocked aid for a nation due to a possible invasion of Armenia.

Senator Peters stated, “We must send a strong message and show our partners around the world that America will enforce the conditions that we attach to military aid.

“If we do not take action when countries willfully ignore the terms of our agreements with them, our agreements will become effectively meaningless and toothless.”

Now, I support everything that Senator Peters stated, but I would love to see Palestine and Iraq held to the same standards.

If Republicans were smart, they would pounce on this and introduce similar legislation to every country for which we provide aid in the Middle East.

If Palestine wants our aid, they need to step up and help Israel defeat Hamas.

If Iraq wants to continue to get these big checks, it needs to do more to help protect U.S. and coalition forces against terrorist attacks, not condemn the United States for responding after forces have been attacked roughly five dozen times over the last two months.

Just take the language used by Peters and insert it into legislation, then use it against every Democrat that voices an objection, citing the fact that Peters’ legislation passed unanimously.

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