February 26, 2024

Sam Nunberg: Trump Running Mate Must Tackle Immigration

It would appear that if Trump wins the election, his backers would like to see his VP do what Kamala Harris could not… tackle immigration.

Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg talked to “Breitbart News Saturday” saying what he would like to see from a Trump VP.

Nunberg was adamant that Trump’s VP had to be able to handle the immigration problem to free Trump up for his other duties as president.

Lock Down the Border

Trump has been adamant from the beginning of this campaign that he will fix the problems created by Joe Biden at the border as soon as he takes office.

With all of the issues we now have, the border is going to be a full-time job.

To that point, Nunberg stated that Trump would be best served to put his VP on the ticket as a referendum, which would allow voters concerned about a very specific issue to vote for the ticket because of that referendum.

It should be noted that Nunberg supported DeSantis during the early days of the election, believing he was the most electable candidate and that even though Trump was winning in polling now, that would flip once it became clear Trump was going to be the nominee.

He stated, “Frankly, I was dead wrong. I was 100 percent wrong.

“Donald Trump, as of today, regardless of what you hear from anybody in the mainstream media…Donald Trump is the favorite. Were the election held today, Donald Trump would beat Joe Biden.”

I like the idea of announcing the VP and what is or her duties will be right out of the gate.

That will give the VP more to campaign on than just blowing smoke about everything that Trump will do.

Not only that, but the VP choice can start to develop a strategy during the campaign, discussing key aspects of the plan to get voters excited about the new administration coming in.

Of course, the question is… who will that VP be?

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