October 16, 2023

Rubio Demands Biden Revoke Visas for Hamas Supporters

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is back in the news again.

While everyone is out to make headlines for themselves, Rubio seems to be the one person in Congress who is actually working to make this country a better and safer place.

His latest shot was to demand that Biden revoke all visas of foreign nationals in this country who openly support Hamas.

Send Them Back

I am all for free speech, but that is an American right, not someone who came here from a foreign country and then spews terrorist rhetoric.

We have seen these demonstrations all over the country, and they are horrific. I watched the news last week with thousands of people in the streets of New York spewing anti-Israel rhetoric.

Saturday, Rubio dropped the bomb, stating, “America is the most generous nation on earth, but we cannot allow foreign nationals who support terrorist groups like Hamas and march in our streets calling for ‘intifada’ to enter or stay in our country.”

Rubio continued that Biden has the authority, the duty, to cancel those visas “for foreign nationals who endorse or espouse terrorist activity, including those who defend or support Hamas by calling for intifada, jihad, or other similar actions to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel.”

He further added that he would soon be enacting legislation to that effect. He stated, “In addition to demanding the Biden Administration apply our existing laws, I will introduce legislation to force them to act.”

While most members of Congress in the Democrat Party have come forward to say the right thing, there are still members of the Squad who are openly supporting Palestine over Israel.

For instance, Rep. Omar (D-MN) sent out a tweet of a picture by a journalist of dead children, slamming Israel, only the picture was from a decade ago in Syria. Rep. Tlaib (D-MI) called Israel an “apartheid government.” Several Democrats have called for a cease-fire, as though Hamas would do the same if Israel laid down its guns.

The simple fact is that we cannot have people in this country supporting a terrorist organization and be expected to stay here… so I am 100 percent with Rubio on this one.

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