February 1, 2024

Ron DeSantis Recommends Deportation of Ilhan Omar

Once again, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has gotten herself into trouble with a statement made at a private event.

Omar told the crowd that she was working from within the United States government to protect Somalia.

Not only that, she more or less stated this was her primary job, which drew outrage from the right, most notably Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Remove Her

So, I want you to see and hear this speech for yourself so you can form your own opinion before I break this all down…

DeSantis immediately responded to the clip, posting, “Expel from Congress, denaturalize, and deport!”

He is one on a long list of Republicans who are now demanding, at the very least, that Omar be censured for her comments.

Censure is just not enough here, as she admitted to violating her oath of office, which demands that she defend this country from enemies both domestic and foreign, as well as protecting our Constitution.

Omar’s primary duty is to represent her constituents, period, not the people of Somalia, nor the country of Somalia.

And listen, I get someone who immigrated from another country being interested in U.S. policy related to that country, but her primary job is to protect the United States and its interests, not that of Somalia.

If you read my reports regularly, I have often stated that I believe members of Congress such as Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) are working from within the system to aid other countries, and that is what Omar just admitted to.

Censure is just not good enough, she must be expelled from Congress, as she clearly does not have the interests of the United States anywhere on her agenda.

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