June 15, 2024

Romney attends Capitol Hill meeting with Trump amid longstanding feud

Republican Representative Mitt Romney just made it undeniably clear:

He is trying to mend fences -- at least nominally -- with former President Donald Trump.

In fact, Mitt Romney has taken a huge stand against Trump along with Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, but whereas the female lawmakers shunned a meeting last week with the former president, Romney paid a visit.

Romney, Murkowski, and Collins also all voted to impeach Trump over his actions surrounding the Jan. unrest.

However, Trump and Romney's relationship predates the demonstrations of 2021, and some of those moments may come as a surprise to you.

Did you know that Trump actually ENDORSED Romney when he ran for president back in 2012?

“He’s not going to continue to allow bad things to happen to this country,” Trump said at the time.

Romney even once complimented Trump’s ability to “understand how our economy works.”

However, in 2014, Trump took to Twitter to write that he couldn’t “believe that Mitt Romney would run for president again.”

“He had his chance and blew it in the last weeks of the race,” Trump continued.

From there on out, everything turned sour.

Romney even called Trump out in a 2015 interview saying that he thought Trump had “said a number of things which are hurtful, and he has said they were childish in some respects.”

“I think will be potentially problematic either in a primary or in a general election if he were to become the nominee,” Romney continued in the interview.

Everything has continued to escalate since then into the moment we are seeing today, in which Romney was clearly torn about whether to join fellow GOP senators to meet with Trump.

With how much Romney and Trump’s distaste for one another seems to have grown over the years, it makes you wonder just how far things will go.

Do you think Romney’s decision to tangle with Trump will come back to bite him?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you would like to learn more about the details of this story, please click on the source here.

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