RNC Disavows Larry Hogan Over Verdict Comment
We all knew this was coming when Lara Trump was installed as co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC).
Former Maryland Republican Governor Larry Hogan, who is now running for a Senate seat, was hammered by Laura Trump after his comments regarding Trump's guilty verdict.
Trump called his comments “ridiculous,” hinting that Hogan should not be expecting any support from the RNC in the future.
Fine Line
As you are reading this, think big picture, not just Donald Trump.
When Trump’s daughter-in-law and surrogates were all installed atop the RNC, I pushed back, stating that it was not a good idea.
My reason was simple… this was going to create more division in the party because anyone in the GOP who had a difference of opinion from Donald Trump would be ostracized.
I could not help but wonder at what cost, and that is what we are seeing here.
Hogan, who is trying to get a red seat in a forever blue state, had a very moderate answer to Trump's conviction.
Hogan stated, before the verdict mind you, stated, “Regardless of the result, I urge all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process.
“At this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders—regardless of party—must not pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship.
“We must reaffirm what has made this nation great: the rule of law.”
Lara Trump responded, “I think it’s ridiculous.
“He doesn’t deserve the respect of anyone in the Republican Party at this point. And quite frankly, anybody in America, if that’s the way you feel. That’s very upsetting.”
Other RNC officials have basically proclaimed Hogan’s campaign dead, meaning they are now willing to sacrifice control in Congress to make a political point and get everyone to bow down to Trump across the board.
This is not smart, to say the least.
Not every member of Congress will agree with Trump on every point, and that is fine because they are paid to represent their constituents.
As we would expect, Hogan's comments were very moderate in nature, and he made them before the verdict was announced.
I have even stated that people need not go nuts here because, by all accounts, this verdict will be overturned on appeal.
If this continues, the GOP will become even more divided, to the point of its ruination, and we are not that far from it, to be honest.
This line-in-the-sand nonsense has to stop, and Republicans better figure out a way to get the party united because going on TV and saying that if you do not fall in line with Trump on every issue means you are out of the party, well, there will be no party.
To be clear, I have always stated that the Bragg case against Trump was garbage, and Hogan's advice to allow things to play out and not pour gasoline on a fire that is already starting to burn out of control is not a hit against Trump. All he is trying to do is calm things down that we already know are going to be explosive.
Do I personally like Hogan? No. But he is the ideal candidate in Maryland to steal a seat from Democrats for Republicans, even if it means he will occasionally swim upstream.
Do we want 40 Senators who will back Trump no matter what and lose control of the Senate, or do we want 55 Republican Senators, a handful of whom will push back from time to time, but have the overall control of the Senate and the very powerful committees?
You tell me what makes more sense…