January 30, 2024

RFK Jr. Says Trump Team Reached Out to Him

Over the weekend, a report blew up that Donald Trump had or was considering Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to be his vice president.

After the report surfaced, the Trump campaign immediately came out to deny the report.

Well, RFK’s camp just threw a wrench into the system by coming out and saying that Trump’s campaign did contact him about the VP position.

Someone is Lying

When the report initially showed up that Trump has been testing the waters about RFK being his VP, Trump adviser Chris LaCivita just about blew his stack on Truth Social.

He immediately denied any contact, stating, “This is 100% FAKE NEWS – NO ONE from the Trump Campaign ever approached RFK jr (or ever will) – one of the most LIBERAL and radical environmentalists in the country. For all the fake news- update your stories.”

Here is the thing, though. This is a typical MOO for Trump, who loves to float stories to get a reaction from his base, then make a decision based on that reaction.

This has gotten more complicated after a Kennedy interview on News Nation, where he stated that Trump’s team had already discussed it with him.

Kennedy stated, “I would not take that job. I’m flattered that President Trump would offer to me, but it’s not something that I’m interested in.”

This pairing would make sense for Trump, as Kennedy is polling at around 15%, which is a huge number for an independent, but the question is how many conservatives would walk away from Trump if Kennedy got the nod.

Trump had downplayed the VP position, stating, “Well, it’s never really had that much of an effect on an election, which is an amazing thing.

“I may or may not release something over the next couple of months. There’s no rush to that. It won’t have any impact at all.”

That, however, is not true, especially in this election with two aging candidates where voters have to give just as much attention to the VP as they do the presidential nominee on the ticket.

I believe the two top leading candidates for the job are Governor Kristi Noem if Trump decides on a woman and Senator Tim Scott (R-FL) if Trump decides to go with a man as his VP.

For voting purposes, Scott seems like a slam dunk, as Trump’s numbers improve dramatically with a minority candidate on the ticket, and Trump could use that to steal even more votes away from Biden.

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