February 13, 2024

RFK Jr.: Jill Biden Should Say Joe Will Step Aside if Cognitive Abilities Diminished

For months now, people have been stating that Joe Biden is not mentally fit to hold office.

Biden, of course, could dispel all this talk by taking a cognitive assessment, but he refuses, which is only adding more fuel to the fire.

After the special counsel report came out, more or less declaring Biden not mentally fit to stand trial, RFK Jr. has chimed in.

Joe Needs to Step Aside

First and foremost, I have to admit, I am baffled by everyone who wanted to remove Biden that is in competition for him.

He is, by far, the best chance that the GOP or an independent has of winning this election, yet they are all calling for Biden to be removed.

To that point, RFK Jr., who will be running as an independent, is now calling on Jill Biden to at least broach the subject.

He believes that Jill Biden should openly say that if there is a real issue with Biden’s cognitive abilities, that he should step aside.

RFK Jr. stated, "I think anybody can make up their mind about [Biden's situation] as well as I can. I hope that if he has the kind of cognitive challenges that the special counsel indicated he has, and if I were in that position, a member of my family or staff would approach me and assist me in gently stepping down.”

When he was directly asked if Jill Biden should step in, RFK Jr. responded, "Yeah, I think she should."

Kennedy then encouraged Biden to offer to have "unscripted discussions" in public as well as debating his challengers.

He stated, "[T]ell us what he's going to do about closing the border. Tell us … what he's going to do about restoring the middle class, about ending the… forever-wars around the world, about unraveling corporate capture and all these issues that are critical to our country right now.

"We need a president who is on the ball, somebody who we all trust to answer that phone call at 3:00 in the morning…"

Again, I agree with everything that is being said, but in terms of the election, if I were a candidate, this is my dream opponent.

Some of the top names we are seeing mentioned to replace Biden are Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, PA Governor Josh Shapiro, CA Governor Gavin Newsom, and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Kamala Harris may be the only person on the planet with less of a chance than Joe Biden, and Michelle Obama is not going to run regardless of what happens.

I do not see Whitmer being popular enough, but California Governor Gavin Newsom or PA Governor Josh Shapiro would clearly be tougher to beat than Biden.

My question now is with all of the problems that Biden is having in public, will he even agree to do debates once the primary races are over?

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