April 16, 2024

RFK Jr. Claims Trump’s Camp Called Him to be Trump’s Running Mate

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has more support than any third-party candidate I can remember seeing in a presidential election.

According to Kennedy, his run almost never happened.

The controversial former Democrat turned independent candidate is now claiming that Trump’s people contacted him to see if he would be interested in serving as Trump’s VP.

Bad Choice

I have been very vocal about who I believe Trump should choose to run as his VP.

That position is about attracting a voting block where the primary candidate struggles as well as giving the people of this country confidence in who would take over the Resolute Desk if something were to happen to the president.

According to Kennedy, he was almost that person for Trump.

Kennedy stated, “President Trump calls me an ultra-left radical. I’m soooo liberal that his emissaries asked me to be his VP. I respectfully declined the offer.”

That comment came after Donald Trump attacked Kennedy on Truth Social, posting that Kennedy was “the most radical liberal” candidate in the race.

This is now the second time that Kennedy has claimed Trump’s camp reached out to him, breaking that news for the first time in January.

As expected, the Trump camp has pushed back that it would never consider adding Kennedy to the ticket.

Chris LaCivita, Trump’s co-campaign manager, called him a “leftie loonie that would never be approached to be on the ticket..sorry!”

Trump also attacked Kennedy in a recent video posted online, stating, “But he’s got some nice things about him. I happen to like him.

“Unfortunately, he is about the ‘Green New Scam’ because he believes in that and a lot of people don’t.

“I guess that would mean the RFK Jr.’s going to be taking away votes from Crooked Joe Biden, and he should because he’s actually better than Biden.

“He’s much better than Biden. If I were a Democrat, I’d vote for RFK Jr. every single time over Biden.”

Someone here is obviously lying, and I would have to imagine that if Trump’s camp did reach out to Kennedy, he would have some proof to make such a claim.

One thing is for sure, and that is that if Trump ever added Kennedy, he would lose just about every conservative vote outside of his MAGA supporters.

Just name Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) as your running mate and be done with it, Mr. Trump.

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