December 7, 2023

RFK Jr. Admits to Flying on Jeffrey Epstein’s Plane

To this point, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had a real chance to make a dent in the upcoming election in 2024.

Poll numbers tank for Donald Trump if he gets convicted of a felony, which is what it would really take for Kennedy to have a chance as an independent.

He may have just torpedoed his own campaign, however, admitting that he flew on the Lolita Express, which is what Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane was called.

Shock Admission

Kennedy was on Fox News with Jesse Watters to discuss the alleged targeting of Catholics by the FBI.

As the conversation continued, Watters asked Kennedy if he had ever been on Epstein’s plane.

Watters clearly knew the answer, as there was zero shock when Kennedy admitted that he was not only on the plane, but that his wife also had some sort of relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell.

He further stated that he 100 percent agrees that all records regarding Epstein should be available to the public, sans redactions, for complete transparency so the American people can see who was hanging out with Epstein on a regular basis…

Even though Kennedy said he knew nothing about Epstein’s nefarious activities, we all know how this works.

The soundbites are already being used by campaigns on both sides to try to paint this as Kennedy being in Epstein’s inner circle.

Even though Trump was also friendly with Epstein for a time, his campaign has been blowing this up all over the place, putting Kennedy in the same class as Bill Clinton on this front.

Kennedy has never tried to hide this information, but Watteres had to know how asking him that question would be portrayed in that moment.

It will be very interesting to see the next set of polling to see how people react to this little tidbit.

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