December 26, 2023

Republican Lawmakers in Three States Want to Remove Biden from Ballot

So, the tit-for-tat politics has started regarding the efforts to have Donald Trump removed from the ballot.

Republican lawmakers in three different states have responded to the Colorado case by creating legislation to have Joe Biden removed from the ballot in their states.

Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia are the first three states to make this move, but I can guarantee you that there will be more.

Remove Him

Aaron Bernstine of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Cory McGarr of the Arizona House of Representatives, and Charlice Byrd of the Georgia House of Representatives announced their intentions on Friday.

The three of them released a joint statement after the Colorado ruling.

They stated, "Today, we are joining forces to introduce legislation to REMOVE Joe Biden from the ballot in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

"The absurdity of radical Democrat judges removing Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado will be a stain on the American political system for decades. By their very own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100% not eligible to run for political office.

"Democrats' insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his 'insurrection' at the southern border and his alleged corrupt family business dealings with China."

In case you missed it, Colorado’s Supreme Court ruled 4-3 in favor of removing Trump from the ballot via Section III of the 14th Amendment.

This section states that anyone involved in insurrection or who has offered aid to individuals who have committed insurrection invalid for holding office in the country.

While several other suits have failed, not to mention several suits that are still pending, Colorado is the only court that has actually sided in favor of the plaintiff.

The Trump campaign has already stated that it will appeal the case, so the Supreme Court will finally be able to make a call on this and end this ridiculousness once and for all.

On that note, the effort by these states to remove Biden will wind up failing as well. In fact, I have already gone on the record stating that this is the exact behavior that Democrats were hoping for from Republicans.

There is literally no legal argument they can possibly present that would enable them to remove Biden from an election ballot that would stand up to litigation, not to mention Supreme Court scrutiny.

They should just allow this absurd lawsuit against Trump to play out because there is little doubt in legal circles that the Supreme Court will overturn the Colorado ruling.

This is nothing more than a headline grab by these politicians to gain favor with Trump… it is just as absurd as the lawsuit in Colorado against Trump.

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