June 10, 2024

Republican Congressman claims staffer was robbed at gunpoint in D.C.

Republican Georgia Representative Mike Collins recently came out and made a very scary announcement:

One of Collins' staffers and friends was robbed at gunpoint in Washington, D.C..

Things like this happen because of the soft-on-crime stance that the liberals leading this country have adopted recently.

As long as the cause isn't a Republican one, Democrats have become more and more willing to turn a blind eye to acts of hedonism like this in order to pander to the demographics that are committing these crimes.

Representative Mike Collins explained exactly that in detail on social media:

Police confirmed the attack to The Daily Caller, saying that officials responded to a call for "the report of a robbery" and that multiple suspects had been present, including one who possessed a gun.

Following the attack, the criminals reportedly fled by vehicle.

Bravely, the staffer who was attacked has already made at least one public statement about the ordeal:

"It’s a shame our nation’s capital is a showcase for failed Democrat policies and violent crime as opposed to the greatness of our country. The crime is so commonplace now many people don’t even report it because they know the city government will do nothing or just release the criminals to keep offending," the attacked staffer said.

Do you think liberals are at fault for allowing this kind of criminality to thrive?

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To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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