REPORT: VA prosecutor declines to prosecute alleged sex offender
For the last decade, we have had this influx of prosecutors in this country that seem more intent on letting criminals go than in putting them behind bars.
The latest being a report from Fairfax County’s Steve Descano.
According to reports, Descano allegedly let a registered sex offender off the hook for exposing himself due to the sexual identity of the offender.
No Charges
According to reports, a man named Richard Cox has been arrested in December 2024 for allegedly exposing himself to young girls at the Arlington Aquatic Center women’s locker room.
The particular facility happens to share facilities with the Washington Liberty-High School.
Cox reportedly identifies as a woman, but he has been allegedly caught numerous other times exposing himself.
Even though it appears they had him dead to rights, Descano refused to prosecute due the county’s policy of allowing transgenders to use facilities based on their personal sexual identity.
Because of the policy, Descano decided that no crime had been committed. This despite parents complaints that he allegedly exposed himself to young children and women.
This was not even the first time that Cox’s antics came across the desk of Descano, as Descano reportedly let him off in June 2024 for similar allegations.
The really screwed up thing in all of this is that during a recent school board hearing, some parents requested the policy stay in place to create a more inclusive environment for transgenders.
My guess would be that none of these parents had their children being subject to someone like Cox’s behavior.
Thankfully, the Arlington Public Schools system has now said it will verify all visitors to schools to ensure they are not on the sex offender registry, so that will perhaps stop some of this lunacy.
The funny thing about this is that the people advocating for this are clueless about the repercussions of their activism until it happens to them.
Case in point, I have an uber-liberal friend who regularly pushes for more inclusiveness, until recently.
About two years ago, when this all started, I asked him how he would feel if his daughter, who was 12 at the time, was in a changing room and a transgender male stripped down in front of her.
He told me I was sick to even think of something like that. Well, several months ago, that exact scenario played out, and his daughter was horrified. All of a sudden, his stance has changed, but it took his daughter to be traumatized in order for him to wake up.