May 14, 2024

REPORT: U.S. Troops Being Ordered Out of Niger

It would appear that Joe Biden has yet another foreign policy disaster on his record.

Reports are now breaking that all U.S. troops have been ordered to leave Niger.

This will enable Russia to take yet another victory lap with Biden in the White House.

Bring Them Home

Niger was a strategic posting in that it allowed the United States to conduct vital counter-terrorism operations.

When you consider how our border is being overrun, the uptick in terror activity, and the growing threat of a terror attack on U.S. soil, which was confirmed by FBI Director Christopher Wray, this is a massive national security failure by Biden.

The decision to remove U.S. troops from Niger was actually made for Biden by the Niger junta, who weeks ago demanded that our troops be removed.

The order was mostly ignored, with the Biden administration making excuses about the time needed to remove the troops from the area.

All the while, according to a Defense Department official, orders were already in the works to bring the troops back home.

The report goes on to say that by the end of the summer, we will likely only have embassy security personnel in the country.

The GOP has slammed Biden on this, with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) leading the charge.

Gaetz recently stated, “Our troops are currently sitting on a powder keg caused by political indecision at the top of the Department of State and Department of Defense.

“With a military junta in charge — who detests our presence and considers us unserious and predatory — the situation seems to be setting the groundwork for catastrophic diplomatic collapse like we saw during the 2012 Benghazi attack.”

The Biden administration was hoping to keep a small team in place for a small counter-terrorism unit to remain, but Chris Maier, assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict, told CNN that is “wishful thinking” at this point.

I have zero doubt we will see another terror attack on U.S. soil in the near future and when it does happen, that blood will be on Biden’s hands.

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