February 8, 2024

REPORT: Trump Will Endorse NC GOP Chairman Whatley as RNC Chair

Over the last few days, there has been some serious activity at the top of the food chain for the RNC Chair.

During an interview over the weekend, Donald Trump hinted that he wanted to see change atop leadership in the RNC, specifically calling out McDaniel.

That led to another story that was published saying that after the South Carolina primary McDaniel would step down.

Trump Wants Whatley

The Trump family has some serious ties to the North Carolina political scene.

If you recall, it was speculated that Lara Trump, the wife of Eric Trump, would be jumping into a race in North Carolina, so it was no surprise to see Trump zero in on Whatley here, who is the chair of the North Carolina Republican Party.

Whatley backed Trump’s claim that the election was stolen, and he is deeply involved in the MAGA movement, so this pick makes sense for Trump.

The reason Trump initially backed McDaniel as the RNC Chair was because she was pretty much ready to give him whatever he wanted, which included the RNC footing the legal bills for the Russian collusion investigation.

My take has been that when McDaniel was elected with Trump’s endorsement in 2017, she was too focused on her loyalties to Trump to address the rest of the party, and I think the elections held while she was chair panned that out.

We lost the House in 2018, then the Senate in 2020, with disappointing elections in 2022 and 2023, where Republicans were expecting routes, especially in 2022.

Now it is being reported that the RNC is having financial issues, with tens of millions gone on luxury spending, Trump legal bills, and other factors that have nothing to do with backing candidates in races.

We need someone in that chair who will benefit the movement, not just one candidate, so I hope voting members take this very seriously.

Whatley may be that guy, but he needs to have the total package, not just being Trump’s guy, because that did not work out so well with McDaniel.

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