February 8, 2024

REPORT: Trump Wants NC RNC Chair to Takeover for McDaniel

In little more than a week, we have heard rumors of RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel quitting, not quitting, and several big names to replace her.

In the current Republican Party, I have zero doubt that Trump will have a big say in how takes that position if McDaniel leaves.

To that point, reports have surfaced that Trump would like to see North Carolina Republican Party Chair Michael Whatley to replace McDaniel.

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What I am about to write is probably not going to be very popular, but I want you to hear me out to see my logic behind this.

Trump is the one that endorsed McDaniel when she originally won the chair in 2017, and he did this because she professed to be loyal to him, not the party.

She hired on Trump campaign staffers and agreed to take on Trump’s legal bills from the Russian collusion investigation.

Since she was in the chair, Republicans underperformed in every election since.

Not only that but with poor fundraising, McDaniel was still using RNC funds to help pay for Trump’s legal bills instead of supporting Republican candidates.

Now we fast forward to today, where reports say that Trump wants Whatley, a diehard Trump supporter and someone who supports the narrative that the 2020 election was stolen by Biden.

This is the same attitude that McDaniel had, and we can fully expect that Whatley would take much the same approach and have loyalty to Trump before the overall party, agreeing to allow Trump to tap into RNC funds to help pay the legal bills from his federal lawsuits.

Every penny spent on those lawsuits takes away from the actual campaigns, including Trump’s, which is one of the key reasons that we got it handed to us in every election cycle since the 2016 election.

We have to decide if we want the RNC to be a fundraising branch for Donald Trump or for the whole party. If you support the idea that the RNC should be paying for Trump’s legal bills instead of supporting candidates, then Whatley is the guy.

If you think the RNC should be supporting Republican candidates across the country and helping to win back the Senate and expand the House advantage, then I firmly believe we need to look elsewhere for a new RNC Chair.

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