December 12, 2023

REPORT: Rep. Raskin Meeting with GOP Members to Block Impeachment

There is a spy among us…

That is a bit dramatic but it does get the idea across that GOP House members are reportedly being picked off one-by-one by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) to try to block the impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden.

Raskin is reportedly meeting with the Republicans to try to convince them that impeaching Biden is just a bad idea.

Working behind Closed Doors

According to the report, Raskin is meeting with the more moderate members of the party as well as non-MAGA members.

He is trying to convince them that Comer may not necessarily be giving them all the facts in regard to this inquiry.

One House Democrat stated, "These fact sheets are a hat in hand, fact-based appeal to House Republicans.

"Republicans may not be getting all of the facts from Mr. Comer, so we are making sure that they have the full picture as they decide whether to endorse this impeachment effort."

Rep. Comer (R-KY) has blasted the idea that there is not enough evidence to impeach Biden, stating that it is "ironic Democrats continue to say there is no evidence and then at every turn seek to prevent the Oversight Committee from gathering evidence.

"Despite Democrats' best efforts, the House Oversight Committee has produced evidence revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family cashing in on the Biden last name.

"We will continue to follow the facts and hold this president accountable for his corruption."

Do I think Joe Biden is corrupt? Anyone who has ever read a word of CJR knows that to be true.

However, I have also stated that the impeachment will die in the Senate, making it a very risky move for Republicans in the House.

If the impeachment is not successful, it just helps feed the Democrat narrative.

My position remains that Biden appears to have done things that are illegal, so why not try this in the court of public opinion before the election, then, if the GOP can win it, refer the case to the Attorney General for an indictment.

I know it is not a popular opinion, but I just don’t see the purpose of impeaching Biden if it never sees the Senate floor, or worse, goes to trial and they fail to remove him.

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