December 25, 2023

REPORT: Obama Stepped In to Save Harvard President from Firing

During a congressional hearing, the presidents of several prominent schools came under fire for what was deemed to be an inadequate response to anti-Semitism on their campuses.

Among those was Harvard President Claudine Gay.

It is now being reported that former President Barack Obama personally stepped in to defend Gay, likely resulting in her being able to keep her job rather than a forced resignation.

Obama to the Rescue

National outrage ensued when Gay was questioned about attacks against Jewish students on campus, with her answer of “depending on the context” not sitting well with members of Congress or the American people.

Reports later uncovered that Gay had a nasty happy of plagiarizing other people’s work.

She seemed to be on life support in terms of keeping her position, but the school told the media that it stood behind her, and nobody could figure out why they were so adamantly protecting this woman.

Well, it turns out that none other than Barack Obama came to her defense, with reports now being made that Obama “privately lobbied” for Harvard not to fire Gay.

Now, we all know that Obama has no love for Israel, so maybe Obama felt her stance was not that big of a deal.

The more likely reason, however, is that Gay is a product of Obama’s inner circle, and having her fired would not be a good look for some former administration officials.

As it turns out, former Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, who happens to be a billionaire and the sister of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, was elected to be a senior fellow at the Harvard Corporation in 2022.

This conveniently happened after she donated $100 million to Harvard.

I will give you one guess who helped lead the search for Harvard’s new president as well as being instrumental in pushing Gay as the leading candidate for the position? Yes, it was Penny Pritzker.

Jewish Insider reported, “According to a source familiar with the matter, Obama, a Harvard graduate, had privately lobbied on Gay’s behalf as she faced pressure to resign in the wake of her disastrous appearance before the congressional hearing on antisemitism.

“’It sounded like people were being asked to close ranks to keep the broader administration stable — including its composition,’ the source, who was informed of Obama’s outreach and asked to speak anonymously to discuss a confidential matter, told JI on Tuesday.”

This goes even deeper than just Obama, with Alan Solow, the former chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, who was also the co-chair of Obama’s re-election campaign, swallowing his pride to stick up for Gay.

He stated, “I hold her in the highest respect and have great confidence in her leadership and judgment based on my having worked on a variety of projects with her for more than 15 years.”

A former fellow of Harvard who asked to remain anonymous was baffled by the support for Gay, stating, “I wish I knew what motivated it because they will hemorrhage contributions.”

That has already happened, actually, as numerous large pledges have been paused, including donations from Len Blavatnik, who had already donated $270 million to the school.

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