June 26, 2024

REPORT: Obama Half-sister Teargassed During Protests

If you have been following the world news, you know how Kenya is in the midst of a massive uprising right now.

Protests have dominated over new government policies, and those protests have started to turn violent and deadly.

According to various reports, Barack Obama’s half-sister was caught up in this mess, having been teargasses at one of the protests.

Protest Turning Violent

Obama’s half-sister, Auma Obama, was among those protesting, along with her daughter, over new tax hikes that are going to be implemented in Kenya.

As most of us know, protests in other parts of the world are not treated as they are here.

When the government does not like what you have to say, you get arrested, beaten, or worse.

To that point, Auma reported that she and her daughter were teargassed amid five people being shot and killed while dozens of others were wounded.

She stated, “We are being teargassed. We have flags and banners. Nothing else, nothing else. These young people have nothing else, just flags and banners — the Kenyan flag. How can you tear gas your own people? Listen to them. Listen to these children — they are the future.

“They are 80 percent of our population — 80 percent — if they decided to turn against us they can, and that is what they are doing now.”

These protests have gone wild, with the Parliament and Senate chambers being stormed, which is what led to the shooting of the protesters.

Reports have varied on the violence, but the deaths of at least two protesters have been confirmed by the Human Rights group Sema Ukweli.

It has gotten to the point that police do not even want the protesters who were shot and injured treated, with there now being reports of arrests of paramedics who were treating them.

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