June 27, 2024

REPORT: New Evidence May Prove Hunter Biden Perjury

Did Hunter Biden lie to impeachment investigators during his testimony about having been involved in the Burnham Asset Management venture?

That is what is now being claimed.

According to the report, there is a paper trail and employment contract that would link Hunter Biden to the deal.

Got Him

Documents seized by the FBI and SEC during a 2016 investigation into the controversial securities fund seem to show that Hunter lied to investigators.

Burnham Asset Management was involved in a securities fraud case, but it also happened to be the same firm that Hunter's business partners used to help a Russian oligarch.

When Hunter testified about the firm, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) asked, “And did you have any active participation in Burnham, either as an equity holder, director, or officer?”

Hunter replied, “No. I don't think that ever came to fruition. I think that there was a proposal that I'd be a part of that, but it all fell apart in all of this.”

However, the documents recently obtained show that Hunter was under contract during the period in question.

Hunter was named “Vice Chairman of Burnham Asset Management and was to be awarded an $800,000 salary, according to the document, which was also signed by then-CEO Jon Burnham in April 2015,” reported Just the News.

Retired Agent Wayne Barnes stated, "Selecting from those samples, all of them bore similarity with the signature on the Burnham Access Management Employment Agreement.

"But there is one which is so close to the current questioned signature that it is all that is needed for today’s conclusion. It is the signature Hunter Biden wrote on his Social Security card dated 9/20/12."

In addition to the contract, there are emails where Hunter is specifically discussing firm business.

Biggs is now calling for Hunter to be charged with perjury, writing, "I'm hoping that Congress takes further action on the Biden family and their propensity to abuse power and lie to members of Congress.”

If all of this is accurate, this means Hunter could now be dodging two additional charges: perjury in this matter and possible human trafficking for violations of the Mann Act.

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