February 27, 2024

REPORT: Nathan Wade Led Fani Willis Transition Team

The grave for Fulton County DA Fani Willis was just dug a little deeper.

Reports are now breaking that Willis’s transition team into the DA’s office was led by Nathan Wade.

This is the same prosecutor that Willis had an affair with as well as being paid far higher than other prosecutors on the RICO case against Trump even though he has very little experience in this field compared to the other prosecutors.

More Troubles for Willis

Willis is already in hot water for having lied about her relationship timeline with Wade, and this is only going to make the calls to remove her from the case louder.

According to the Breitbart report, it was Wade who was making the decisions on who would go and who would stay when Willis was voted in as the Fulton County DA.

This could become a problem because if Willis had already decided to go after Trump, Wade would have removed anyone from the office who would have resisted that push.

Willis initially stated that the affair with Wade did not start until after she had been elected to office and had decided to prosecute Trump.

However, whistleblowers have stated that there was evidence of an affair dating back to 2000.

One of the staffers in the office at the time had stated that something just seemed “weird” about the dynamic of the office.

After Willis had won, the entire office was informed that for all intents and purposes, they had all been fired and would need to interview for their positions with her transition team, of which Wade was clearly in charge.

The staffer stated, “Nathan definitely was up moving around and taking charge in the room. Wade hired the entire office of 250 employees.

“I was just telling him my employment background, and they just sit there and looked at me and they said well, ‘you’ll get an email on our decision.’ And that’s what Wade said. And he looked at Willis. They looked at each other. And there was just something so weird going on.”

Attorneys for the Defense will try to show this as a clear conflict of interest, especially since Wade and Willis had previously stated their affair did not start until after 2022.

If she is caught lying under oath, she may not only be removed from this case but she could be forced to resign her position and have a bar review.

That would clearly be a win for Trump, especially if her replacement decided that the case was not worth pursuing, which is what Trump is counting on.

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