June 25, 2024

REPORT: Melania Considering Not Living Full Time at White House if Trump Wins Election

There have been more than a few reports about marital problems between Donald Trump and Melania.

Most of those reports were put to bed when Melania appeared with Trump at a political fundraiser event, but they are surely about to get rolling again.

Reports have surfaced that if Donald Trump wins the election, Melania may not be staying at the White House full-time.

What Is Going On?

Melania has never accompanied Trump to a court date, and she has yet to be seen on the campaign trail other than a couple of private fundraising events.

The two of them have barely been seen together since Melania’s mother’s funeral, where she was clearly upset with Donald, not even allowing him to ride in the same car after the funeral.

Considering how the press has attacked her, it is not a surprise that Melania wants to take a back seat if Trump gets back into the White House, but the gossip mongers are not going to leave this one alone.

Kate Andersen Brower, who's written several books on first ladies, stated, “She's distancing herself even more from her husband and from the Washington social political scene.”

Melania does not like DC, that is no secret, but not moving to DC during her husband’s presidency would clearly be a distraction for the administration.

Having said that, Melania is smart, and I would suspect the first go around in DC was a big learning lesson for her in terms of having the right staff around her the second time around.

I really hope this report is more gossip than truth because Trump is going to need Melania for both counsel and to perform the usual First Lady duties.

While the media and Democrats have mercilessly attacked her, conservatives adore her, and they are going to want to see more of her, not less, if Trump wins.

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