December 5, 2023

REPORT: McCarthy Mulling Leaving Congress After Losing Speakership

When the motion to vacate was made by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) against Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), most people thought it would fail.

As a matter of fact, when the initial verbal vote was taken, it was ruled that the motion had failed, but Gaetz asked for a physical vote, and it turned out he had enough support to remove McCarthy.

Since then, there has been growing speculation that McCarthy would retire, with statements now being made by his allies and even McCarthy himself that has made that all but a certainty it will happen.

Time to Go

If you recall, McCarthy openly dared Gaetz to come after him, thinking there is no way enough members of the GOP Caucus would cross him, but he was wrong.

McCarthy is popular in the party for one reason… he raises a ton of cash. But it was made quite clear during the original Speaker election that there are quite a few people who do not really like him or the way he does business.

Becoming Speaker was all that McCarthy ever wanted, and that was embarrassingly taken away from him, and now he is reportedly struggling to find his place in the party.

Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), one of McCarthy’s closest friends and allies, stated, “When you spend two decades building something, it’s difficult to end that chapter.

“His life has been building the Republican majority and attaining the third-highest office in the land. It is difficult for any mortal to deal with an abrupt end and determine his next chapter.”

McCarthy recently had a book appearance in New York, where he seemed to lean more toward walking away, stating, “I have to know that if I decided that wasn’t for me and I leave, I don’t want a year from now to think ‘Aw, I regret — I shouldn’t have left.’

“So if I take a little longer than most people normally, that’s just what I’m going through.”

You guys know I am no fan of McCarthy, as I believed he should never have been made Speaker from the outset.

Now, he seems bent on revenge against Gaetz and the other members who voted to remove him, and that is just not good for the party.

McCarthy has literally suggested expulsion for Gaetz simply because he crossed him, recently stating, “I don’t believe the conference will ever heal if there’s no consequences for the action.”

If you ask me, the time has come to move on from McCarthy, as we simply do not need this nonsense to continue in the House. Top fundraiser or not, his time has come.

I am not sure if he is putting this stuff out there as a threat in the hopes of people flocking to him to ask him to stay, possibly giving him another shot at Speaker if the GOP can hold the House, but I hope he is serious and I hope he steps aside so we can get some new blood into the House.

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