January 16, 2024

REPORT: Johnson Privately Vowed to Refuse Senator Border Deal

Speaker Johnson (R-LA) is trying to get back into the good graces of the GOP caucus.

According to reports, Johnson has vowed to reject any border deal that comes from the Senate and White House.

The report further stated that the only border deal that Johnson would consider passing is the H.R.2 will, otherwise known as the Secure the Border Act.

Not Happening

Johnson has been taking it on the chin from his caucus as of late, specifically from members of the Freedom Caucus, who are not happy with the short-term funding legislation that is likely going to pass through Congress and find its way to Biden’s desk.

Some members have gone so far as to say that Johnson “surrendered” to Democrats on this legislation.

To that point, a GOP lawmaker told Fox News that Johnson has assured the caucus behind closed doors that he will not back the Democrat border legislation in any way, shape, or form.

This comes as Democrats have reportedly been negotiating with Johnson to see what compromises the two sides could make in order for Republicans to back the $110 billion aid request for Ukraine and Israel.

H.R.2 passed through the House in May, with the vote falling right along party lines, as expected. That deal is obviously nothing close to what will come out of the Senate.

Senator McConnell (R-KY) has always been one to cave to Democrat demands as long as he gets to fund his wars, so don’t be surprised when you see some rather significant concessions in the Senate deal compared to the former House deal.

Among other stipulations, the House deal would put “Remain Mexico” back in place, as well as continue border wall construction, two issues that the Biden administration has pretty much stated are deal killers.

Johnson cannot afford to budge, so don’t expect that additional aid to get passed anytime soon.

Johnson has to know if he gives in to Democrats again, that gavel is gone.

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