February 15, 2024

REPORT: Joe Was the One That Brought Up Beau’s Death, Not Special Counsel

Last week, Joe Biden held a press conference to let everyone know how outraged he was over the idea that the special counsel dared to bring up the death of his son Beau during the investigation.

Jill Biden then did an interview lambasting the special counsel for trying to score political points by bringing up their dead son.

A new report has surfaced, and if the report is accurate, it was Joe Biden who brought up Beaue, not the special counsel.

Joe Was Wrong

This was Joe Biden after the report came out…

A Fox News report claims that two “well-placed sources” have confirmed that it was Biden who brought Beau’s death into the conversation.

This has been a tactic of Biden’s since his son died, as he loves to bring him up to get empathy, which is what I believe he tried to do here, only it backfired.

I would also note that Jill was up in arms about the special counsel mentioning Beau Biden as well, stating, “I don't know what this Special Counsel was trying to achieve.

“We should give everyone grace, and I can't imagine someone would try to use our son's death to score political points.”

Jill made those comments during an interview when the entire White House was doing damage control over the report.

I am sure this will die down a bit over the next few days, but you better believe the GOP is pouring over this report and loading up text for ads to attack Joe Biden once he and Trump are head-to-head.

The most damning thing about the report is that Special Counsel Hur basically proclaims Biden unfit for trial, yet this is the man with the nuclear codes and the keys to the White House.

I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time digesting that little pill.

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