May 15, 2024

REPORT: Jimmy Carter Coming to the End

It would appear that former President Jimmy Carter will soon be with Rosaylnn again.

Carter, 99, has been defying the odds already, living in hospice for months.

His grandson, however, recently stated that he believes Carter’s time is soon coming.

Solemn Times

Carter is a man with several legacies.

As the president of the United States, he is widely regarded as one of the worst presidents this country has ever seen.

His real legacy, however, was after he left office, when he did amazing charity work and occasionally served as an ambassador when his country called him.

As a person, they did not get any more humble or gentler than Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter’s health issues are widely documented, especially the horrible falls he has taken and his battle with cancer, which eventually led to Carter being put in hospice in February 2023.

Most thought he would go within weeks, but he has been ticking along, even outliving Rosalynn, who died in November 2023.

His grandson, Jason, recently spoke at the 28th Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum, where he informed everyone that Jimmy’s time was coming to an end.

Jason is clearly struggling with the imminent death of his grandfather, stating, “My grandfather is doing OK. He has been in hospice, as you know, for almost a year and a half now.

“He really is, I think, coming to the end that, as I’ve said before, there’s a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there’s a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end, and I think he has been there in that space.”

Jimmy Carter was once asked if he feared dying, and he gave up a stunning answer.

Carter expected to die back in 2015 when doctors told him he had cancer, and he came to terms with his mortality a long time ago.

On death, he stated, “I assumed, naturally, that I was going to die very quickly.

“I obviously prayed about it. I didn’t ask God to let me live, but I asked God to give me a proper attitude toward death. And I found that I was absolutely and completely at ease with death.

“It didn’t really matter to me whether I died or lived. Except I was going to miss my family, and miss the work at the Carter Center and miss teaching your Sunday school service sometimes and so forth. All those delightful things.”

I can tell you for a fact that Jimmy Carter adored his wife, and he can go peacefully knowing that he did not leave her behind in pain had he passed first.

Stay well, Mr. Carter, and be at peace during your final days.

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