January 5, 2024

REPORT: Fox News Cancels Crenshaw Appearance After Run-in with Watters

In case you missed it, amid all the Jeffrey Epstein reports, there was a bit of a tiff between Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) and Fox News host Jesse Watters.

Crenshaw claimed he had an appearance on Fox News canceled on him.

This reportedly happened after Crenshaw got into a feud with Jesse Watters over Crenshaw’s stock investments.

You Hack

Crenshaw has made a list as being one of the most successful investors in Congress.

The Texas Congressman believes the report is garbage because he has never made more than $20,000 on trade and stated that his investments were usually $10,000 or less.

When Watters did a report on it, Crenshaw raged on his Instagram story about it, posting, “Hey you f***ing hack, if you’re gonna accuse me of literal corruption, get your facts straight and man up and come accuse me to my face. You’re a f***ing clown, desperate for clickbait.

“Watters is a tool, making millions to push conspiracies on tv, and bash veterans like me who are barely a fraction of his net worth. Wake up America. The political entertainment industry is almost always lying to you.”

Crenshaw showed the list, where he was listed as number 25. Mind you, that is out of more than 400 members of Congress, so he is not really all that far down on the list, as he claims.

Crenshaw, with four terms in Congress, now has a net worth of about $2.5 million after having served in the military for a decade as a Lieutenant Commander with SEAL Team 3.

The rant continued, “I’m sitting here trying to feed my 3-month-old and this dirt bag millionaire at Fox is accusing me of being a criminal, with zero evidence.

“Stop watching these mediocre entertainers. Stop letting wealthy elitists like [Jesse] Watters claim to be ‘fighting for you.’ They live in Manhattan and can’t stand normal people in red states. They think you’re stupid and feed you bullsh** to rile you up.”

Then Crenshaw tried to air Watters’ dirty laundry, posting, “Losers like Watters grew up with a silver spoon. His family is made up of well-connected journalists and politicians.

“And for some reason, people are fooled into believing he’s some genuine blue-collar conservative.

“Yeah he’s such a ‘conservative’ he cheated on his wife and then left her with twins while he went off with another Fox producer.”

Crenshaw concluded, “And let’s be honest, Jesse Watters seems like the type of dude who pees sitting down.”

According to Crenshaw, Fox News then canceled a pre-scheduled interview over his beef with Watters, stating, “LMFAO, Fox just cancelled an interview we had pre-scheduled tonight.

“Guess I hurt their feelings by calling out their bullsh**.”

It looks like Watters brought out Crenshaw’s inner SEAL, so if I were him, I would avoid being around Dan Crenshaw for a little while.

I would note, though, that Watters’ report is not without merit. Crenshaw’s trades have come under scrutiny before, especially during COVID.

During that time, Crenshaw had purchased stock in Boeing, which had lobbied the government successfully for billions from the CARES Act.

Additionally, in 2022, Unusual Whales reported Crenshaw as the 5th most successful trader in Congress for 2021…

Is this a case of me thinking the congressman doth protest too much or is this much ado about nothing? I will leave that up to the readers to decide.

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