March 5, 2024

REPORT: Clinton Blocking 3rd Party Runs to Help Biden

Even though the Clintons have been pretty quiet in terms of making headlines, they are reportedly making moves behind the scenes to try to help Joe Biden.

Reports have been blowing up over the last few days after a New York Magazine report noted that Bill and Hillary have been working the phones and in-person meetings behind the scenes.

The goals… to become more influential in the Biden campaign and to block third-party runs that could hurt Joe Biden.

Helping Joe

The one name that came up that clearly would have hurt Joe Biden on election day was Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.).

Manchin loves to pitch himself as a moderate, but he is anything but.

I used to get suckered into believing that myself, but Manchin’s actions during Biden’s term proved that Manchin likes to talk a tough game, but he more often than not gives Joe Biden and Democrats what they want.

Remember when Manchin promised not to use reconciliation? Then he turned around and helped Biden pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which did anything but reduce inflation.

I would like to think that most conservatives saw the same things that I saw and would not support Manchin, so he would clearly hurt Biden’s chances of winning.

Former Maryland Republican Governor Larry Hogan was also reportedly looking to run to block Trump, but Clinton apparently thought that campaign would also hurt Biden more.

Hogan despises Trump, but he is a true moderate, so he would have been an alluring candidate to voters on both sides of the aisle.

My belief is that he would have hurt Trump more than Biden, but the Clintons were clearly not willing to take that chance.

To that point, Bill Clinton reportedly talked to Hogan last June and convinced him to stay out of the race rather than run 3rd party.

Hillary is also reportedly in the mix, regularly communicating with Kamala Harris on the campaign and polling data.

Don’t expect to see the Clintons front and center, but make no mistake about it, they are whispering in ears both inside the campaign and the Biden administration.

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