May 23, 2024

REPORT: CIA Blocked Hunter Biden Investigation

As the Hunter Biden case approaches trial, little tidbits about the initial investigation are starting to pop up.

We are now learning that the CIA reportedly stepped in to block investigators in the case.

This came via an affidavit from whistleblower Gary Shapley, a senior IRS investigator.

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When Shapley was investigating Hunter Biden for tax evasion, the breadcrumbs led him to Hunter Biden’s attorney and friend, Kevin Morris.

When Shapley tried to pursue Morris, the CIA allegedly blocked him from being able to talk to Morris.

Morris, by the way, has been paying many of Hunter Biden’s legal and household bills over the last few years, reportedly “loaning” Hunter millions.

Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf issued the order to Shapley to back off after she had been called to CIA HQ in Virginia.

Shapley stated, “AUSA Wolf stated that they were provided a classified briefing in relation to Mr. Morris and as a result we could no longer pursue him as a witness.”

When he continued to press Wolf on why this was happening, he was stonewalled.

Shapley continued, “It is possible that this was simply another roadblock placed in front of investigators to continue to deny investigators access to all relevant information.”

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) also pointed to the affidavit, saying that it proved that Hunter had lied under oath, now asking the DOJ to add perjury to the list of charges Hunter is facing.

One example was Hunter saying that his shakedown message sent to a Chinese executive was not the Zhao that was connected to CFEC, a Chinese energy company, but the WhatsApp number given was proven to have been connected to that official.

Even with the proof, it would be shocking if Garland approved more charges being stacked against his boss’ son, especially with reports that Joe Biden is now worried that Hunter could wind up in jail.

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