January 17, 2024

Report: Capitol police investigating Roger Stone over alleged assassination threats

An investigation has been launched into an alleged "assassination" plot involving Roger Stone, a well-known political operative linked to former President Trump. Stone's remarks, suggesting the assassination of two House Democrats, have been blown up by Washington and the mainstream media.

The Capitol Police, assisted by the FBI, are probing an audio recording where Stone talks about killing Representatives Jerry Nadler and Eric Swalwell.

Mediaite, a news outlet, recently published a disturbing audio recording. In this recording, Stone, weeks before the 2020 presidential election, is heard discussing a shocking plan. He converses with Sal Greco, a former NYPD officer, about the need for either Swalwell or Nadler to "die before the election."

Law Enforcement's Serious Response to Stone's Threats

The Capitol Police are now rigorously investigating these remarks. Their inquiry, crucial to maintaining the safety of elected officials, is indicative of the severity of Stone's words. The FBI is also playing a pivotal role in this investigation, contributing their expertise to unravel the full extent of this alarming situation.

Stone's comments on the recording are explicit and alarming. He suggests finding Swalwell to "get this over with," underlining the seriousness of his intentions. This revelation has understandably caused significant concern among lawmakers and law enforcement alike.

Reacting to the publication of this recording, Swalwell issued a statement to Mediaite. He underscored the gravity of the threat and called for bipartisan condemnation. His remarks reflect the broader implications of such threats in the current political climate.

Connections and Denials: Stone's Controversial Past and Response

The involvement of both Swalwell and Nadler in this matter is not coincidental. Both are members of the House Judiciary Committee and have had past interactions with Stone. Their roles in political and legal matters concerning Stone add layers of complexity to the situation.

Stone's history includes a conviction connected to the Mueller Russia investigation. Notably, his sentence was commuted by President Trump just before Stone was due to report to prison. This act of clemency by Trump was itself a subject of controversy and investigation.

In a twist to the story, Stone has denied making the comments on the recording. He alleges that the audio was a fabricated AI-generated fraud. This claim of artificial manipulation echoes Stone's previous assertions that some of his other controversial comments were "deep fakes."

Sal Greco's Role and Additional Alarming Conversations

Sal Greco, the other voice in the recording, was dismissed by the NYPD in 2022 due to his association with Stone. While Greco has not denied the conversation, he has attempted to downplay its significance, adding another dimension to this complex situation.

Adding to the controversy, Mediaite reported further disturbing discussions between Stone and Greco. These include talks of abducting and punishing Aaron Zelinsky, the prosecutor in Stone's case. Such conversations, if true, demonstrate a pattern of intimidating and potentially violent rhetoric.

The involvement of the FBI in this investigation is noteworthy. Adhering to their policy, the FBI neither confirmed nor denied the investigation when approached by Mediaite. This standard approach by the FBI adds a level of confidentiality and gravity to the ongoing investigation.

Swalwell's Condemnation of Stone's Threats

Swalwell's reaction to the recording is significant in understanding the broader implications of Stone's alleged threats. He perceives these threats not as mere rants but as indicative of a larger, more dangerous trend in political discourse.

"The Roger Stone assassination plot recording may seem like the ravings of a wannabe gangster. It's not. This is what Trump and his real-life thugs do: they try to intimidate opponents and will always choose violence over voting. Because I'm one of Trump's loudest critics, Stone put a hit out on me. This threat, and other threats of violence by Trump and his supporters, must be taken seriously," Swalwell stated.

Swalwell's statement highlights a disturbing aspect of modern political engagement, where threats and intimidation have increasingly become tools of influence and coercion.

Investigation into Trump's Commutation of Stone's Sentence

Nadler, another target mentioned in Stone's recording, had previously announced an investigation. This investigation focused on Trump's commutation of Stone's sentence, shedding light on the intricate web of political and legal connections surrounding this case.

The revelation of Stone's alleged comments at Caffe Europa adds a tangible location to these claims. It suggests a premeditated nature to his words, further intensifying the seriousness of the situation.

The United States Capitol Police have not commented on the matter, maintaining a level of discretion typical in sensitive investigations. Their silence, however, speaks volumes about the gravity of the allegations and the thoroughness required in their investigation.

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