January 9, 2024

REPORT: Biden Shutting Out Kamala Harris

Apparently, all is not well between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Reports have surfaced that Biden’s inner circle is tired of the gaffes from Harris, so now she is being frozen out.

The reports originated with a new book called “Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House.”

Freeze Out

The book was authored by Charlie Spiering and details the unrest between Biden and Harris that now exists.

If the author is correct, Biden officials are now keeping Harris out of the loop on major decisions, saying that her ability to carry out Biden’s agenda is a “joke.”

The book also notes the many times the administration has set Harris up for a reset, always failing.

Spiering writes, “Vice President Kamala Harris is still in the same place despite multiple attempts at narrative resets and on-the-job training.

“Washington, D.C., is cruel. Once you are found unworthy, there is little you can do to change people’s minds. In my time spent reporting for this book, I was surprised to learn how few Democrats even like Harris, let alone respect her — unless they are personally invested in her success.

“Mistakes compounded on mistakes only cemented her reputation and there is little room for sympathy when you reach that level of power. There’s plenty of negative chatter behind the scenes, but few dare speak publicly, for fear of being branded a racist or a sexist.”

There has been tension between Harris and Biden from the outset, with Harris now all but disappearing from public view.

If you recall, Harris had basically called Joe Biden a racist during the debate, so it surprised a lot of people that he selected Harris as his VP. This was more than likely a decision of the party, especially after reports arose about a confrontation between Harris and Jill Biden over her debate comments.

Harris has had ample opportunities to refire her profile, but she has crashed and burned.

We have gone from seeing her a few times a week to now going months without a public appearance from Harris.

It is also being reported that Joe has completely dismissed the idea of weekly lunches with Harris, and Harris has never had the Bidens over for dinner, even though she regularly shows off her cooking skills on social media.

Clearly, there is something amiss in the relationship between Joe and Kamala.

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