March 29, 2024

REPORT: Biden Reportedly Delaying Rule Until After the Election

According to reports, Joe Biden wants to present a new rule that will be attached to Title IX that would benefit transgender athletes.

However, because the rule is so controversial, there are now reports that Biden will delay the release of the new rule until after the election takes place.

This has brought about public outrage by advocates, charging that Biden is delaying the rule for political reasons.

Holding Back

Right now, just about every decision Biden makes is rooted in his getting re-elected to the White House.

While the advocacy for transgenders is largely on the left, there are people on both sides of the aisle that do not believe biological males should be competing in women’s sports.

There are enough of them that Biden is now reportedly going to delay releasing the new rule until it cannot hurt him in the upcoming election.

A Biden insider told the Washington Post, “Folks close to Biden have made the political decision to not move on the athletics [regulation] pre-election.

“It seems to be too much of a hot topic.”

While Biden is being coy about the rule, Donald Trump has made it clear that if he gets back into office, transgender women will be banned from women’s sports.

Trump stated, “We will ban men from participating in women’s sports.

“So ridiculous.”

While the overall percentage of transgenders in our population is minuscule, this has become a polarizing topic because of the impact we have seen by transgender women in women’s sports.

Male athletes who were bottom dwellers in men’s sports are dominating women’s sports, but this goes much further than just robbing biological women of their opportunities in the field of competition.

There is a very real concern that women will get violently injured in certain contact sports as well as sports like basketball, where there is still contact, just of a more incidental nature.

The worry is that it will take a woman getting seriously injured or worse at the hands of a transgender athlete before this gets the attention it deserves.

Biden is clearly worried about it impacting the election or the rule would already be in place proving that Biden’s support only goes so far, and he puts getting re-elected above everything else.

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