November 30, 2023

REPORT: Biden-Obama Backroom Rift Over Israel Approach

Joe Biden has been getting hammered by all sides over the debacle of an approach that has been taken by this administration regarding the Israel-Hamas war.

Biden was strong out of the gate, but he has since started to cave to leftist extremists in his party, now pressuring Israel to not only call the initial cease-fire but also making comments that make it sound as though he would like to see this war ended now.

Reports are now surfacing on numerous outlets that behind closed doors, Biden is taking shots at Obama on this, something that will surely get back to the former president.

Taking Shots

Biden was reportedly telling a story of when he was the VP, where he stated that his philosophy on Israel was to “hug them close but not criticize them,” which sources stated was criticized by Obama and administration staffers.

Biden used this example to show that he was right then, and he is right now.

One official stated, “If this was the Obama years, we would’ve been a lot more publicly critical than we have been by now.

“And that wouldn’t work. We wouldn’t have the influence.”

Now, I have stated many times that Obama drove a wedge between Israel and the United States that took considerable work by the Trump administration to repair.

Biden then started to put that wedge back in place, but his initial approach to this war with Hamas garnered him a lot of good favor with Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu.

With Biden now facing extreme pressure from his party and liberal voters, Biden now seems to be adopting the Obama approach.

Biden recently made comments to the effect that an extended war with Hamas would be giving Hamas exactly what it wanted, and that is something that we could not do. That comment drew significant criticism from conservatives and Democrat moderates.

After all, it was the Biden administration that pushed Netanyahu to have the temporary cease-fire, but the clock is running out on that as well, with Netanyahu having already stated that come Sunday, there will be no more extensions of the cease-fire.

So, in just a few days, we are going to find out just how loyal to Israel Joe Biden really is.

Biden has put himself into a situation where no matter his response, it is going to cost him support.

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