July 1, 2024

REPORT: Biden Campaign Tried to Block Interviews with Critical Voters

The lengths to which this administration will go to cover up any negative views on Biden is staggering.

And I am lumping Biden’s campaign in with his administration because they are more or less the same thing at this point.

Reports are now surfacing that after the debate, the Biden campaign tried to get reporters to not interview critical voter blocks that were going to be harsh about Biden's performance.

Stop Reporting!

Simon Levien, a New York Times reporter, was among those who exposed the Biden campaign.

He wrote, “As I spoke to voters at a Las Vegas rally for Vice President Harris, a Nevada Biden campaign staffer followed me and twice asked that voters end their interviews when their comments turned critical of President Biden.”

For instance, when Levien was interviewing one voter, the voter told him, “You can’t tell me that there’s not anyone better —”

He claims that a Biden staffer approached him and said, “We’re at a Joe Biden event, so I’m going to cut you off there. Sorry.”

When another voter asked, “Who’s running the country,” Clio Calvo-Platero, the deputy communications director for the Biden campaign in Nevada reportedly stated, “I’m going to stop it here, sorry. If I can, it’s a Biden event. Is that okay?”

Taylor R. Avery, a reporter for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, reported much the same.

She wrote, “This also happened to me. A staffer tried not once but twice to cut off my interview with a voter who said they thought Biden should step down.

“They then ushered me and the voter inside because ‘the Vp is almost here’ but the VP did not show up for another 30 minutes.”

Just think about the line this is crossing and what the reaction would be if this was the Trump camp instead of the Biden camp.

And tell me again, which side of the aisle is acting like fascists?

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