January 10, 2024

REPORT: Biden Aides Delivering Bad News Get ‘Heads bitten off’

It would appear that angry Joe Biden is starting to surface more in the White House.

Reports are now surfacing that Joe Biden is going off on aides who dare to deliver bad news to him.

This has resulted in aides filtering news reports to Biden to avoid his wrath.

Be Careful

Having grown up on the East Coast, I have been to events where Joe Biden was present and showed his temper… and it was not pretty for his staffers.

This has always been a tag on Biden, but the media has always overlooked it for some reason.

Since Joe Biden took office, there have been whispers about Joe Biden’s temper, and we have also seen it at some appearances.

We can go back to Joe Biden visiting a plant and going off on one of the workers when he challenged Biden, even telling Biden that he worked for him, not the other way around, and Joe lost it on him.

Notice how the union officials backed Biden instead of the worker? That is his union fees at work.

When former Obama adviser David Axelrod voiced his concerns about Biden, Biden was reportedly dropping F-bombs behind closed doors.

Now, reports are surfacing that Biden is snapping at staffers delivering him bad news regarding the election and polling.

Axios reported, “[P]eople close to the White House fear there aren’t enough people willing to give Biden bad news — because those who do can get their heads bitten off.”

This is not something new, as Biden popped off regularly on the 2020 campaign trail when he received a question he did not like.

For instance, when a reporter asked Biden about his mental health, Biden meanly responded, “C’mon man. That’s like you saying before you got on this program you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not? What do you think? huh?

“Are you a junky?”

Biden also lost it on a voter during the 2020 campaign who made a comment about Hunter Biden, with Joe snapping, “Get your words straight, Jack! No one has said my son has done anything wrong and I did not on any occasion.

“You’re a damn liar, man!”

Biden has snapped more and more as he has gotten older, so it will be interesting to see him take on Trump in a debate (or whoever wins the GOP nomination), as they are surely going to try to get under his skin to make him lose his cool.

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