January 30, 2024

Rep. Shontel Brown Latest Swatting Victim

This “swatting” thing is getting out of control fairly quickly for members of Congress on both sides of the aisle.

The latest victim of the prank is Rep. Shontel Brown (D-OH), who was reportedly swatted on Monday.

Nobody was home at the time, as Brown was in DC for the current legislative session.

Here We Go Again

This childish prank has become all the rage against politicians and high-profile figures as of late.

Swatting is the practice of reporting an incident to law enforcement, usually something violent in nature, that requires law enforcement to show up in numbers, sometimes with a SWAT team in tow, hence the name.

After the incident took place, Brown stated, “It is truly alarming that someone would attempt to harass or intimidate me in this way, while also forcing law enforcement to devote resources unnecessarily. No one deserves this, and it puts so many people at real risk, including family members, neighbors, law enforcement, and others.

“We have got to get back to debating respectfully, respecting elections, and removing all violence and intimidation from our democracy. My office has notified U.S. Capitol Police and I thank the Warrensville Heights Police Department for their attention to this matter.”

This is far from something that is only happening to Democrats, as we have actually seen more reports of this happening to politicians on the right.

For instance, Nikki Haley was reportedly swatted twice within days over the last week.

Rep. Brandon Williams (R-N.Y.), Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) have also reported recent swattings, with Greene having had them fairly regularly.

Rep. Williams commented, “There are so many things going on in our society that are disrupting our systems.

“Swatters are disrupting police, getting them out on these fake calls. This could be targeted at judges, state officials and law enforcement too.”

He is 100% right, and this childish behavior needs to stop. It serves no purpose other than to give the other side ammunition to use.

More importantly, however, it abuses our law enforcement and needlessly puts them in more danger than they already are.

Can we please just get the adults back in the room so all this nonsense stops?


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