February 20, 2024

Rep. Mace Says She ‘Needs help’ Defeating McCarthy’s Hand-picked Primary Opponent

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is no longer in the House, but he is surely lined up to join Trump’s cabinet if Trump goes on to win the GOP nomination and the general election.

That being the case, McCarthy continues to be active in the political world, cherry-picking candidates to run in races to try to remove those that were part of his removal as Speaker of the House.

One of those individuals would be Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), who recently stated she “needs help” to defeat her primary opponent, who was hand-picked by McCarthy.

Getting Revenge

McCarthy seemed to make it pretty clear on his way out the door that he was hell-bent on revenge.

He touted an ethics investigation against Rep. Gaetz (R-FL), who had made the motion to vacate against him.

Mace was one of only a handful of Republicans who joined Gaetz, which was all they needed because Democrats all voted to remove McCarthy.

To that point, McCarthy recently commented on Mace, stating, “I hope Nancy gets the help she needs. I really do.

“I just hope she gets the help to straighten out her life. I mean, she’s got a lot of challenges. No one will stay working for her.

“You can’t have somebody who just flips and flops based upon what TV station she gets put on. You want someone who’s willing to work, and so I hope she gets that kind of help.”

Among the primary opponents that Mace will face is Catherine Templeton, who Mace has called a “puppet in Kevin McCarthy’s bitter revenge operation.”

This was Mace’s response to McCarthy’s statement…

We hear all of these people talking about unifying behind Donald Trump, but I just don’t see that happening right now.

The GOP is split into several factions, and they are all at each other’s throats right now.

Trump says he can unite the party, but I think it just may be too big a task after all the darts that have been thrown over the last two years.

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