December 8, 2023

Rep. Greene Says State of GOP Majority in Dire Shape

This has been a very bad week for the GOP in terms of its razor-thin majority in Congress.

Another key member of the House GOP caucus announced that he will not be running for re-election, giving the Dems yet another seat to target.

Even worse, the GOP lost two seats that will now be up for special election, with Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) being expelled and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announcing his resignation at the end of the year.

Dire Times

The GOP barely took control of the House in 2022, and it has been skating on thin ice ever since.

With the expulsion of Santos and the resignation of McCarthy, there is no more margin for error, and it has Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) very nervous.

She stated, “Well... Now in 2024, we will have a 1 seat majority in the House of Representatives. Congratulations Freedom Caucus for one and 105 Rep who expel our own for the other.

“I can assure you Republican voters didn’t give us the majority to crash the ship.

“Hopefully no one dies.”

Her concern is warranted, but she is pointing the fingers at all the wrong people.

We the People literally begged members of Congress to not put McCarthy back in leadership, but they did not listen, and McCarthy made a deal with the devil to get the gavel, then the devil removed him.

As far as Santos goes, I blame Ronna McDaniel and the New York GOP for not properly vetting Santos and taking him out before he was ever given the chance to be elected.

The man was a complete and utter fraud, making up a resume to deceive voters and it all should have been exposed before the election. Then, when the facts came out, and he was later indicted on 23 federal charges, GOP members were outraged when 105 members of the GOP voted to have him removed, citing due process.

I continue to stand by my support of this citing that serving in Congress is a privilege, not a right, and he gave up that privilege when he deceived voters to become elected. There is simply no way I can support that man being in Congress with a clear conscience.

If the GOP loses the majority in 2024, it is their own fault because they are not representing We the People; they are pushing their own agendas and far too many of them are acting as individuals to promote themselves.

The most dangerous members of Congress are those in deep red districts that have no fear of losing an election to a Democrat, as they go for social media likes, shares, and clicks.

We need to remind them that they are not there to become famous, get rich, or push their own agendas. These people are not our leaders, as many of them believe.

They are there to REPRESENT us, and right now, members on both sides of the aisle are doing a horrific job of meeting that job description.

Stop the petty games, stop making social media posts, and get back to the business of governing and representing your constituents.

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