May 10, 2024

Rep. Foxx Shuts Down Code Pink Protesters

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) is one of numerous octogenarians in Congress today.

One would think that at her age, she would back down from protesters, but that is hardly the case.

When Code Pink showed up, Foxx put them right in their place.

The Old Times

Relatively speaking, Foxx got a late start in this ballgame.

She entered politics in 1995 when she won a seat in the North Carolina Senate, holding that seat until 2005 when she ran for office in the House.

Foxx won her election, taking her seat in Congress on January 3, 2005, taking over for Richard Burr, who moved on to the Senate.

Now, after two decades in the House, she has risen through the ranks to become one of the more powerful Republicans in the House. She currently serves as the Chair of the House Education Committee after having served as the Secretary of the House Republican Conference.

This week, Code Pink activists decided to visit the Hill to protest Israel.

On Wednesday, some of the protesters tried to intimidate Foxx, but she was having none of it.

As they tried to block her way, she could be heard saying, "Don’t even think about it, I’ve got things to do.”

Code Pink then accused Foxx of "harassing students who only want to stop a genocide,” but she was not backing down.

Foxx told them, "You’re not welcome on this elevator. It's a members only.”

Protesters would not back off, which led to this epic moment…

Protesters also took a shot at harassing Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), who was a bit more forward in his answer.

Mast responded to their rhetoric, stating, "I think Israel should go in there and kick the s*** out of [Hamas], just absolutely destroy them, their infrastructure, level anything that they touch. Clear enough?"

Yes, sir, crystal clear.

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