March 11, 2024

Rep. Chip Roy Defends Britt SOTU Response

After Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) gave her State of the Union (SOTU) response, the criticism started to fly on both sides.

There were a few voices that stuck up for her, however.

Among them was Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), who claims Britt was thrown “to the wolves” by being chosen for this address.

Thrown to the Wolves

I have to admit, I was completely caught off guard when I saw that Britt had been chosen to give the response.

Britt was just elected to office during the 2022 cycle, and this rebuttal is usually given to someone who will play a significant role in the future of the party.

Now, I am not slighting Britt on that front, as I hope she is a sign of the future of the party, but she was clearly in way over her head.

Not only that, whoever advised her on the tone of her speech should be fired, as it was a bit of a disaster, being criticized by both the left and right.

To that point, Rep. Chip Roy stuck up for Britt, saying that party leadership set her up to fail.

Roy posted to X that leadership was “throwing a freshman Senator to the wolves by asking her to give the rebuttal knowing she had not yet given even a Senate speech.”

You can see the full thread by clicking on the post below…

In that thread, Roy called out the party for not having fact-checked Britt’s speech “to help protect her from making an error with an outdated anecdote, & thus allow radical progressive democrats to make THAT the story rather than their dangerous, purposeful open border policies endangering Americans.”

That, of course, is exactly what happened, as the White House responded to the rebuttal by stating, “Instead of telling more debunked lies to justify opposing the toughest bipartisan border legislation in modern history, Senator Britt should stop choosing human smugglers and fentanyl traffickers over our national security and the Border Patrol Union.

“Like President Biden said in his State of the Union, ‘We have a simple choice: We can fight about fixing the border or we can fix it.’”

Now, that responsibility also falls on Britt. She is a 42-year-old Senator, so we should be able to trust that before giving a speech like this, she has all of her facts checked, so this is also a knock against Britt and her staff.

Biden lied or twisted the facts throughout that speech, but the headlines were all about Britt instead because she was not ready for this moment.

This is exactly why We the People demanded a leadership change three years ago. All this current group of leadership knows how to do is fail.

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