February 12, 2024

Rabbi Challenges Banks to Freeze Joe Biden's accounts

Rabbi Shimon Ben-Tzion of the Machon Meir Yeshiva has stirred controversy by urging banks to freeze US President Joe Biden's accounts, citing what he perceives as unjust actions against Israeli citizens.

In his statement, Ben-Tzion vehemently criticized Biden's imposition of sanctions on Israeli individuals and the freezing of their bank accounts.

He condemned Israeli banks, particularly Bank Leumi and Bank Hadoar, for swiftly complying with American directives, likening their actions to a previous dispute at The Hague.

“I also demand that they freeze accounts. Do I and others have fewer rights under the law or ethics for such a step? I hereby request that Joe Biden's accounts be frozen, both private and commercial, wherever they may be in the world," he stated.

“With God's help, we will be victorious, but only if we truly act united and are responsible for one another, collectively and individually. We will never give in to pressure from the Gentiles to harm our brethren of Israel, in the same way, that we will never endanger Israeli soldiers for the lives of the nation fighting us,” he concluded.

Expressing indignation, Ben-Tzion accused Biden of acting unjustly and arrogantly without moral authority. He went further to denounce Israeli banks for allegedly trampling on individual rights, human rights, and property rights in order to appease the United States.

The Rabbi invoked historical examples, such as the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif by former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to illustrate what he perceives as the mistreatment of Jewish individuals for political expediency.

He argued that such actions have not only inflicted tragedy on those directly affected but also on the entire nation.

In response to what he sees as an affront to Israeli sovereignty, Ben-Tzion demanded the withdrawal of his savings from Bank Leumi and their transfer to a more supportive institution.

He called for the freezing of Biden's accounts, both private and commercial, on a global scale. Ben-Tzion concluded his statement by asserting that victory could only be achieved through unity and collective responsibility.

He vowed never to succumb to pressure from external forces to harm fellow Israelis, emphasizing the importance of standing together in the face of adversity.

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