May 24, 2024

Prosecutors Want Beau Biden’s Widow to Testify

The Biden family could soon have a very large PR problem on its hands.

A recent filing by prosecutors outlines three witnesses to be called in the Hunter Biden gun charges trial.

While the witnesses are not named, it would appear that Witness 1 and Witness 3 are Hunter’s ex-wife and former lover, who also happens to be the widow of Joe Biden’s son, Beau.

Family Day in Court

Witness 1 is described as having previously been married to Hunter Biden, so that has to be Kathleen Buhle.

Witness 3 is described as having been in a romantic relationship with Hunter at the time that he and Hallie Biden were dating.

Witness 2 is not yet identified, but the filing claims that she was dating Hunter Biden between December 2017 and October 2018, which is right before Hunter and Hallie started their rather controversial relationship.

Prosecutors appear to be dialing in on Hunter’s exploits during his heavy drug and alcohol use.

That aside, can you imagine the shock wave this is sending through the Biden family right now?

Hunter and Hallie being together was not exactly the best moment for the family, and while Joe Biden publicly supported the relationship, saying they found each other in mourning Beau’s death, you could just tell the relationship bothered him.

The fact that Hunter and Hallie were collectively destroying their lives did not make that any easier.

There is going to be some serious dirty laundry getting aired during this trial, and the fact it will be happening right before the election has to have Democrats very worried about Joe’s chances of winning re-election.

I have always maintained that Joe Biden knew what Hunter was doing and enabled the behavior on numerous fronts, and if that comes out, I am pretty sure the opinion that some people still have that Joe Biden is a good guy is going to get flipped.

Dig in, folks, because things are going to get very interesting in about two weeks.

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