May 2, 2024

Prosecutors Hope to Retry Weinstein in September

Several days ago, a bombshell story dropped regarding the Harvey Weinstein saga.

An appeals court overturned his rape conviction, but Harvey is not out of the woods yet.

Prosecutors just announced that they are hoping to retry the case in September.

Going Back

I actually reported on this earlier in the week but from the angle of how it could possibly impact the Trump case.

The judge in the case had allowed testimony from witnesses not directly related to Weinstein's charges.

This is something you never see in a case and now you know why.

I pointed that out based on the motion that was approved by Judge Merchan to allow Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg to bring in evidence from other cases that Trump has already lost to discredit Trump's testimony if he chooses to testify in his defense during the hush-money trial.

Reading the comments on social media, most people seemed to think that Weinstein had beaten the charges, but that is not the case at all, as prosecutors made quite clear.

They now plan to retry the case in September, and primary accuser Jessica Mann is ready to testify again at trial.

Assistant District Attorney Nicole Blumberg stated, “We believe in this case and will be retrying this case.”

Weinstein's attorney, Arthur Aidala, said that Weinstein is “sharp as a tack” and ready to go, adding, “It’s a new trial, it’s a new day, and his life is on the line.”

Weinstein has suffered some serious health issues since being imprisoned, and it was obviously quite the lifestyle change for the former Hollywood big shot.

His attorney explained, “Harvey Weinstein was used to drinking champagne and eating caviar, and now he’s at the commissary paying for potato chips and M&Ms.

“He’s keeping his chin up, making the best of a horrible situation.”

With any luck, that is how he will spend his remaining days.

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