February 5, 2024

Progressives Now Targeting Sotomayor for Retirement

Progressives are once again trying to force a Supreme Court Justice to step down to ensure Democrats keep their number of justices intact. 

With Biden’s polling numbers, progressives are clearly worried that Biden will not win the election. 

If he does lose, and Sotomayor dies or retires in the next term, conservatives will have a massive majority on the court, something they do not want to risk.  

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Sotomayor is being targeted because of her age. 

Even though she is only 69, if the GOP wins the presidential election, there is a very good chance of it being at least eight or 12 years before Democrats get back into the White House.  

If that's the case, the chances of Sotomayor still being seated on the bench at 81 are fairly slim. 

As a result, progressives are pressuring her to retire, just like they did to Justice Stephen Breyer very early in Biden’s term.  

CNN commentator Josh Barrow is one of the latest to try to get into her head about stepping down.  

During a recent panel discussion, he stated, “I'm not saying I think Justice Sotomayor is on death's door. 

“But I think it's important, given it's a lifetime appointment, to take a very long-time horizon view on this. 

“It seems like that – it would be the right time strategically for her to step down in favor of somebody younger if she's very concerned about the political balance on the court.” 

Expect that pressure to increase based on some recent comments by Sotomayor.  

During a recent appearance at the California Law School, she told the students, “I live in frustration, and every loss truly traumatizes me in my stomach and in my heart. 

“Cases are bigger. They're more demanding. The number of amici are greater, and you know that our emergency calendar is so much more active. 

“To be almost 70 years old, this isn't what I expected. 'I'm tired.” 

That does not sound like someone who plans on being on the bench in a decade, and time is running out for Biden to make another appointment during this term.  

The only thing Biden has going for him right now is that Democrats control the Senate, which may not be the case in 2025 if the GOP can get its act together.  

My guess here is that a high-pressure campaign will be started very soon to have Sotomayor step down before Biden’s term is over to ensure her seat stays in liberal control. 

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